Are you a woman in business who knows the huge impact to your income that video brings but you don’t know how to get started creating video content?

You're not alone, and I can help you.

When you join my exclusive 'From Scared to Shared' Video Creation Course and you'll learn everything you need to know to get started making your business videos

  • I’ll break down exactly what you need to do to create top-quality videos. No fluffy nonsense, just actionable tips for you to take away and start using immediately.
  • You’ll find out what it is you need to know to create compelling videos
  • I’ll uncover the secrets that professionals use to make slick videos every time 
  • You’ll banish those nagging fears and thoughts you have about getting it ‘wrong’
  • You’ll feel confident in knowing how to plan and create your content
  • You’ll master the art of looking your best on camera, appearing relaxed and feeling confident.
  • You’ll be able to take your business to the next level through the power of great video 

This Course is for you if you’re tired of thinking about how to create professional videos and you want to start taking action to actually make them.

Do you feel like you’re falling behind your competitors because you can’t master the art of video? 

So many women I speak with feel this too.

They feel like they aren’t reaching their goals because they simply can’t master the art of video creation. This feeling is completely justified too as video is an undeniable marketing tool that can bring huge profit and success to your business.  

Did you know...

  • 74% of marketers say video has a better return on investment than static imagery
  • 68% of marketers say video has a better return on investment than Google Ads
  • 54% of consumers want to see more video content from brands or businesses
  • Videos are a consumers favourite type of content to see from brands on social media
  • Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year

So why do so many women in business struggle to create videos?

Well, from the many conversations I’ve had with talented women who have thriving businesses, these 5 common reasons frequently pop up...

1. Confidence - Or lack of. 

"I don’t like how I sound, I’m worried about how I’ll look, and what my friends, family and my customers will think if they see me in a video?"

2. Content - Knowing what to say and how to say it

"I know my business inside out, but when it comes to video I don’t know what to say, or how to say it, and I worry that I’ll forget my words or won’t know when to stop talking."

3. Cost - Creating videos will break the bank

"A film crew, lighting, hiring a studio… how much is that going to cost me, I’m scared to even ask?!"

4. Tech - From lighting to editing to music to creating subtitles 

"It’s just too overwhelming to even think about getting started with all those things to consider and I’ve no idea of what I might be getting wrong. I don’t want to look unprofessional or stupid in front of so many people."

5. Time - The perception that video creation for their business will take too long 

"Creating videos is a great idea, and I can see how well it works for other businesses, but it’ll take me too much time, too much effort and I’ll have too much to learn - with no guarantees that it will even work."

It’s time to banish these limiting beliefs and start putting you in the driving seat of your success

You don’t have to spend fortunes to create engaging, professional videos!

Firstly, let me dispel this myth... 

“To create compelling videos for your business you need to hire a professional recording studio and an expensive film crew.” 

That’s simply not true! Millions of business owners are seeing a huge return on investment by getting started with videos on their own, some of them use nothing more than their smartphone camera. No fancy equipment, no studio and no expensive advertising budget. 

My video creation course will enable you to finally join those high achievers. The kind of people who create videos at the drop of a hat and watch their business profits surge and their community engagement levels rise as a result.

What’s included in the Course and is the Course worth my time? 

You’re a female business owner and you’re exceptionally busy so the courses you do attend need to be worth your time. Don’t worry I get that! The From Scared to Shared Video Course follows a step by step format which you can watch in your own time, from the comfort of your own home.

It cuts straight to the points of what you need to do to be successful on camera and how you need to do it. This includes:

  • Where you can use video in your business - What works and what doesn’t
  • How to easily decide who your video is for and what it’s about
  • How to structure, script and plan your video message
  • The basic (inexpensive) kit you’ll need and how to use it
  • What to wear to look your best and which background to choose
  • How to record your videos - The dos and don’ts
  • Where to share your videos on social media and beyond
  • How to edit your own videos with professional touches
  • How to save precious time recording your videos

It’s true that making great videos takes time but so does anything worthwhile in your business.

I’ve made plenty of mistakes of my own when trying to create videos but I persevered and picked myself up from some seriously embarrassing moments. This is how I know with absolute certainty that with the basics of video creation under your belt, you too can make great video content to promote yourself and your business. 

The difference is, you won’t need to make the same mistakes I made!

What to expect once you’ve completed the From Scared to Shared Video Creation Course? 

If you follow the steps outlined in the course, I can guarantee that you will;

  • Spend less time thinking about video ideas and actually start making them
  • Feel more confident in your video making abilities
  • Be able to create videos more efficiently meaning you have more time to spend serving your newly found customers Build an audience that is more engaged than ever before
  • Feel clear about what needs to get done to create a compelling video
  • Feel more structured and organised with your approach to video
  • Feel empowered to make videos wherever and whenever you need to

So what are you waiting for? 

Join me on my 'From Scared to Shared' video creation Course and let’s unlock the power of video for your business...

Start confidently creating your business videos today


Wow! It’s brilliant Nicola.. Just had to tell you!

It’s really informative and easy to watch, I’m loving it. I like the way it’s in parts, so you can stop and start at your own pace.


I'm enjoying the practical advice like what I will need to do a video and how to begin (script design).

I also like the fact that you've broken a huge topic into small chunks that's not overwhelming.

And that you clearly summarise at them end of each clip, so I can always refer to in future to refresh my mind... Acting like a reference library.

Also I like that you feature experts delivering clear content.

Absolutely loving it.

Thank you so much xx


I liked the bite-sized manageable lessons.

The Course covered everything I could have asked for!

Amazing value!